Ashley Ng's profile


self-promotion kit
For my final project in college, we were tasked to design a self-promotional kit - curating the portfolio we've built over the last 3 years in print, simultaneously being able to showcase our identity/personality through this kit.

the world is my oyster
A pearl forms when an irritant works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or clam. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a pearl is formed.

In the past 3 years, challenge after challenge have been pressuring, training and preparing me for what the world will put in my way. "The world is my oyster"  means “You are in a position to take the opportunities life has to offer.”

All the unknowns that I had to overcome did not leave me unscathed, but I had to embrace them - over and over again - with that forms a strong, bold pearl that's ready to be presented to the world. With this zine, I want to tell my audience that I'm ready to take on what life has to offer!
/ content of zine
unknown organisms
New briefs, new expectations, different solutions, unfamiliar trials that have found their way into my shell - unknown organisms is the title of my portfolio - a curation of selected work that have challenged me in my journey as a design student.
/ table of contents, chapter divider
/ content pages, page numbering
/ content of portfolio
/ business cards, resume
this is dedicated to:
Mama, Papa, and the rest of my family for not only wholeheartedly supporting what I want to do, and also providing me the opportunities so that I can thrive in this path. Thank you for seeing the need and potential of this field, but thank you more for seeing the potential in me - even on days I find it hard to believe I have anything to offer.

My dearest friends for being there for me in these hectic 3 years - for praying for me, encouraging me, understanding when I'm busy, even finding jobs for me, or taken me out to let loose of some stress (at the expense of my assignments 💀) - I cherish all of it and all of you so much.

To the panda girls, I would've quit about a hundred times if it weren't for you. Thank you for sticking through the diploma, for all the overly supportive texts, overnight calls and unhealthy snacks. I had the best time in college with you girls despite of the pandemic. But also thank you for doing your best in the work you do. You girls inspire me all the time and I just know and hope the best opportunities are coming your way.

All my love to my loved ones, Ashley.


